TheLife Team


Amorie Arts Photography has masterfully captured the essence of our new magazine edition with a captivating cover that seamlessly blends artistry and storytelling. Through her lens, Amorie has skillfully transformed a mere photograph into a visual narrative that transcends the boundaries of conventional imagery. The cover reflects her unique ability to evoke emotion and convey a profound message, making it a true work of art. Amorie’s keen eye for detail, impeccable composition, and innovative approach to photography have not only brought our magazine to life but have also set a standard of excellence in the realm of visual storytelling. We are privileged to have collaborated with Amorie Arts Photography for this edition, and her exceptional work undoubtedly adds an extra layer of allure and sophistication to the overall presentation of our magazine.

Are “Without Prejudice” offers truly without prejudice?

In the world of legal settlements and debt negotiations, the term “without prejudice” has often been used to signify an offer or agreement that cannot be admitted or revealed in court proceedings. However, recent insights from legal rulings raise questions about the true nature of these agreements. PJ Veldhuizen, Managing Director of Gillan and Veldhuizen attorneys, sheds light on the matter.

Quest to Stand Out

Lana Joubert, the visionary owner of Lana Joubert Makeover Specialist, Oh My Blouse Boutique, and Die Atelier – Workshop Studio, traces her entrepreneurial journey from childhood dreams to a flourishing business empire. From early days styling her Great Gran’s hair and experimenting with Barbie dolls, Lana’s passion for transformation and creativity became evident. Raised by a determined single mother, Lana imbibed the spirit of independence, realizing that women can achieve anything. This mindset, nurtured in her formative years, laid the foundation for her entrepreneurial endeavours.