Marinda Sauerman

The Story of Ai-Ais Coffee House and Vision behind Ai-Ais Events

In 1969, Lourens Rautenbach was born in Walvisbay, and due to his mother’s medical condition, his family moved to Pretoria in 1976. Over the years, they continued to travel to Namibia, their preferred holiday destination. The journey took them through the Northern Cape and later Botswana after the completion of the Kalahari highway. While attempts were made to explore other holiday spots in RSA, none compared to the warmth of home.

Unmasking Neglected Realities: Exploring the Overlooked Dimensions of Agricultural Crime

Livestock theft is wreaking havoc on the South African economy, causing an estimated annual loss of 1.4 billion. The situation is rapidly deteriorating, with farmers living in constant fear for their lives and witnessing the brutal and savage on-site slaughtering of their cattle. The repercussions are dire, not only for individual farmers but also for the broader agricultural landscape in South Africa.

Lack of communication in the workplace?                                                                                           

Ever had that sinking feeling when you get up in the morning to go to work? There might be a colleague that takes constant credit for your ideas or a boss that do not value what you bring to the table or do not deliver on promises that he or she made. The problem is that most people need their jobs to survive and are reluctant to act on abuse.

Black Land Reform in Agriculture

We are almost 30 years into the idealistic vision that Nelson Mandela had for South Africa and the failure of Agricultural reform is tangible. Besides the Land Distribution, Land Restitution, and land Tenure Reform, 75% of all redistributed farms failed. Research shows that the reason for this failure is that these farms are given to individuals without preparing them for the management of the land. The lack of skills and lack of managerial and agricultural knowledge contribute to community conflict and that leads to the desertion of these farms, more and more farms become unproductive, and this spells disaster for food security in our country.