How to stay vibrantly healthy?

Being healthy and staying healthy is true wealth. Our health is our greatest asset. In this article we will be looking at health from three perspectives. The three perspectives look at health from a proactive point of view. How can I be and stay vibrantly healthy always?

First perspective: How do we increase our vitality to go through today’s trauma and stress in a healthy way? Think of vitality as a healthy battery in your car. If the battery is low on power (vitality) it will not be able to provide energy to get the engine started. A charged battery is a healthy battery. Getting enough quality rest and sleep is vital to recharge your inner batteries.

Second perspective: What foods do we need to absorb for maximised energy and healthy living? Think of absorption as good fuel (food) you put into your car. A lower grade fuel will cause the engine to perform at a lower level and potentially even break down. Our bodies absorb what we eat. What we eat therefore becomes assimilated or one with our total body system. Does what you eat reduce or enhance your health?

Third perspective: How do we protect our physical and psychological health? Creating and then protecting healthy habits will over time produce an increased level of health. This requires discipline. Health does not come in the form of pills or quick fixes. Health requires protection. A headache is an alarm to give attention to vitality or what is being absorbed into the body. Supressing the alarm with a pain reduction pill will not improve health. It is like ignoring the low fuel light or low battery charge light in your car.

Unhealthy habits (whether it be what we think about, what we eat or what we do) cannot produce health! Our views of what is healthy has been shaped over time. Some of these views are not healthy at all yet we still believe them to be true. When we know what we want, yet still get stuck in unhealthy habits, causes high levels of frustration. This frustration can fuel the unhealthy habit even more. It can even result in addiction and a feeling of helplessness. Do you want to increase your (Healthy Vitality, Absorption and Protection) HVAP? Do you want to get ‘unstuck’ regarding your health?

We can help you to develop healthy habits for maximised health. We have seen many people transform their health over a period of 90 days.

By Steven Cowley.

90 Day Health Plan:

  1. Assess your Vitality, Absorption and Protection levels. Assess where you are with your health. Face the facts around your health.
  2. Develop a step-by-step plan to improve your health. Be clear on what you want to be vibrantly healthy. A Health Journey Plan could include for example:
    1. Stress reduction plan
    1. Exercise plan
    1. Body detoxification plan
    1. Healthy diet plan
    1. Healthy mindset development plan
  3. Setup weekly progress check points. Make sure you develop and embed new healthy habits. Invest in a health coach to support and help you with embedding new healthy habits.
  4. Review your progress after 90 days. Recognise your growth and the benefits that come with a healthy body. Then initiate step 1 again to form a continual health improvement cycle.

The aim of the 90-day health plan is to increase your vitality thereby helping you to go through today’s trauma and stress in a healthy way and maximise energy for healthy living. Being proactive about health is critically important today. It can sidestep burnout and disease. It can eliminate a state of being unhealthy and overweight. It helps you not to get stuck in old unhealthy habits.

In 2021 let us help you to take charge of your health. We are able to teach you to look after and care for yourself and thereby protect and grow your health asset.

By Steven Cowley.

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