

With the ongoing decline in the popularity of cash, the vast majority of businesses in the modern era will need to be able to receive electronic payments of some kind or another. Whether through EFT credits, debit orders, card payments, these businesses will all require a “payment solutions provider” with access to the banks and can facilitate these payments. Unsurprisingly, who one partners with, in terms of the provision of payment solutions, can become an important decision affecting the business’s day-to-day operations and impacting cash-flow and bottom-line profits. The business owner must understand who they are working with and make their decisions for a payment solution partnership from a position of knowledge. Here then, are the five questions you have to ask a payment solution provider before you agree to sign up.


Traveling overseas can be a life-changing experience, but it can also be expensive. For those with limited funds, saving money for an overseas trip can seem like a daunting task. However, with careful planning and a few smart strategies, it’s possible to save money and make your dream of traveling overseas a reality. Here are some tips on how to save money for going overseas with not a big salary:

I want to apply for finance- what is the next step?

John started his business after pitching his idea to some friends around the BBQ. He used all his savings for start-up capital, and family and friends provided loans. He could not apply for finance as his credit rating was not strong enough.
John’s scenario is not uncommon in the business environment. According to, 3.3 million of the 5.6 million small businesses in 2018 were categorised as “survivalist firms”.
A few entrepreneurs have pitched their business idea to a group of funders, conducted market research, or developed a business plan and are not prepared to apply for finance.
John can implement some key strategies in his business to be able to apply for finance in the future. These strategies are:

Black Land Reform in Agriculture

We are almost 30 years into the idealistic vision that Nelson Mandela had for South Africa and the failure of Agricultural reform is tangible. Besides the Land Distribution, Land Restitution, and land Tenure Reform, 75% of all redistributed farms failed. Research shows that the reason for this failure is that these farms are given to individuals without preparing them for the management of the land. The lack of skills and lack of managerial and agricultural knowledge contribute to community conflict and that leads to the desertion of these farms, more and more farms become unproductive, and this spells disaster for food security in our country.

The Business of  performing Arts   

After witnessing Oriental fire in action at a local event, the Life of an Entrepreneur Magazine spoke to founder and professional artist Tina Kapp about how Oriental Fire build their passion for performing into a business. Global Media named Oriental Fire Best Unique Event and Entertainment Company of 2023 MEA Excellence award Gauteng.

Ceo Tanya Steynfaardt describes the performance as an Explosion of professionalism, poise and energy.


Cybercrime is becoming an increasingly significant issue for private businesses, individuals and government, and new threats are constantly emerging that prove it is now essential that business starts prioritising cybersecurity. What is cybercrime? Where is it coming from? And what is the expected impact on the economy? Fred Razak, Chief Trading Strategist at CMTrading, gives us his analysis.


Entrepreneurship can be a challenging journey, especially during times of economic uncertainty. In South Africa, entrepreneurs often face unique hurdles due to the country’s economic fluctuations. In such times, it is crucial for entrepreneurs to adapt, strategize, and persevere. Here are some editor’s notes offering guidance and coping strategies for entrepreneurs navigating through difficult economic periods in South Africa: