There is no stopping “Lady G”

Chandre Goosen-Joubert discusses fashion, fantasies, female empowerment, and her future goals.

Chandre Goosen-Joubert, is a true Capetonian at heart who is passionate about Women Empowerment and standing up for those who do not have the platform or means to do so. She describes Women Empowerment as having “a purpose” and being a role model to the women and children in South Africa.

Chandre is mom to twin boys, a fashion designer, a model, and a businesswoman owning 3 businesses, namely La Fiora Flowers: Chandre and Co and Berht Watches. She boasts a big passion for fashion, cars, and radio, and hopes to add one day “TV presenter” to her already impressive resume.

She is known as “Lady G” and describes herself as a “fashion rebel at heart, a fearless human wanting to prove to the world that you should live each moment as if it were your last.”

We caught up with Chandre in an all-exclusive interview – here is what she had to say.

What and who is Lady G and what can we look forward to this year?

Lady G is a retro mom, who loves travelling, driving sports cars and being an international ambassador for high profile brands. I love attending events and meeting new people. I want to make this year my “Lady G” year and focus on my own podcast, being a speaker as well as going into commercial TV and hopefully becoming a TV presenter.

You describe yourself as a “rebel” of sorts, what is the most rebellious thing you have ever done?

Driving a brand-new BMW M2 after having it for 20 minutes at 246KM/PH. Naughty but was the best rush ever.

Your fashion label, Chandre and Co, speaks of independence and standing out from the crowd – how do you stand out from the crowds in your own right?

By just being me and being different. I believe that if you choose to copy someone, you cannot truly create and will always be left behind. I am known as the rebel but whatever I touch turns into gold. I am always true to myself and I do what I feel is right.

You are a mother, businesswomen and social-media superstar – how do you juggle such a busy career?  

It is important to prioritise each aspect of your life, and to dedicate time and effort to making sure each element receives 100%.

Let us talk fashion – when can we expect a new collection from Chandre and Co and what are your hopes for the brand?

A new collection is launching on the 1st of July, focusing more on loungewear. The brand will also be in Macy’s in the USA in August 2021.

What is the biggest misconception people have about you and why?

By giving 100% people often perceive me as a threat because when I take something on, I give 100% and I do not let anything stand in my way. I am a very straightforward person, and many people do not like hearing the truth.

What is one rumour you have heard about yourself that you want to debunk?

I have often heard that I have been under the knife – I am 37 years old and have never been or never plan to go under the knife ha-ha.

How do you handle public conflict?

Conflict is always a tricky thing. I always try to ignore the situation until I can see the person in the flesh to tell them what I think or sort it out. Depends on what the damage or conflict situation is all about.

One could say you “live a life of luxury” based off social media, but we all know social media is what we want people to see – how do you as a person, always remain grounded and humble?

By remembering who you are, where you came from, and always remembering that life owes you nothing. It is about how you handle a situation and being kind. I will not entertain a person who has no meaning to my life or entertain unnecessary drama. I am about being a BOSS-BABE, BEING INDEPENDANT AND I HAVE GOALS TO HUNT.

You are a designer, mom, businesswomen and model – if you had to pick any other career path others natural, than the ones you have today, what would it be and why?

TV and radio presenter. My biggest dream is to have a show like Oprah Winfrey.

You have a deep passion for women empowerment – how is this impacted by your past as a GBV survivor and how do you hope to help others who have been through something similar?

This is something I will always be passionate about. I would love to be available as a speaker at charities and be able to share the story of what I went through. To be afforded the opportunity to do an interview with Minki van der Westhuizen and talk about my past and how I would love to achieve saving another woman lives, was priceless.

Where do you draw daily inspiration from?

I draw inspiration from all things around me – from magazines, past life experiences and travelling. I am an early riser who prides herself on getting up bright and early and doing what needs to be done.

What do you want to be remembered for one day?

I want to be remembered as a person that was loving, spontaneous, bubbly, and unstoppable – “South Africa’s Lady G”.

As a proud mother of twin boys, what is one life lesson you hope to instil in them as they become grown into men?

To be humble, grounded, be gentleman, and carry your loved one with you daily. I would teach them that no race, gender, or person can change you, or put you in a position where you can be disrespectful and unkind.

What is your number one fashion tip for ladies over 30, wanting to stay stylish in market overshadowed by young “influencers”?

Be and wear who you are, if you are comfortable in what you wear immediately it gives you a personal boost.


Do you believe in love at first sight? YES

Are you a morning person? YES

You are you own worst critic? YES

Are you the stricter parent? NO, THE COMFORTER

Coffee over tea? DEFINITELY YES

Do you believe in miracles? YES

Do you remember your dreams? YES ALWAYS

Do you want more children? NO WAY – LOL

Cape Town is your forever home? NO


Define Beauty: Beauty is defined by being real and being kind. Beauty is everything people see on the outside.

  • Must Have Beauty Product: Vitamin C serum!
  • Beauty Tip: Apply SPF daily under your foundation
  • Must-Have fashion Accessory:  My Vovarova SA Handbag 
  • Health Secret: MojoMe Pure Vitamin C supplement

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