Women’s Magazines Are Setting Us Back as A Society

Since I was a tween, having my nose in a glossy women’s magazine was my escape from reality. Something about reading scandalous celebrity gossip and educating myself on the latest fashion faux-pas fascinated me.
By: Malaika Nyhonyha

But looking back to those magazines with older eyes makes me cringe. I realized just how awful they were. For starters, they had zero substance, tapped into all my insecurities and set up an unrealistic standard for what my life should look like. Yes, I know, I wasn’t the target market, but these magazines are just as bad for even the intended audience. And here are my reasons why:

  1. They set unrealistic beauty standards. I know what you’re thinking: blah, blah! You’ve heard this line before dozens of times and I know you have! Just hear me out. I’ve put this as my first and number one reason, because it’s so important! These magazines portray what “perfect” women are supposed to look like: small, petite bodies, clear skin, luxurious hair, Eurocentric features, etc. But what many fail to understand are that those things aren’t real! Those models that you wish to emulate look nothing like their magazine photos in real life. And these fake images make other women feel ugly and unworthy in comparison.
  2. They promote problematic diets. Magazines are notorious for promoting the latest diet fad that usually consists of eating like a rabbit or buying products that aren’t good for your body and end up making you feel worthless when it doesn’t work out. I could go on a tangent about why diet culture is a whole is problematic, but we don’t have all day. I will say this though, there is no quick scheme to help you lose weight and get that hot bod. Watch what you eat, listen to your body always and remember:
  3. They have no substance. Majority of women’s magazines are centered around fashion, sex and celebrity gossip. Yes, I want to escape reality, but I also want something thought provoking. Women want to read about important issues too and not just about what statement pieces are in season!
  4. They give terrible relationship advice. Okay, I’ve never actually been a serious, committed relationship, so I can’t speak too much on this topic. But I don’t need to be in a relationship to know that you don’t need to use mind games to get what you want from your partner. Communication is key.
  5. They promote gender stereotypes. Majority of women’s magazines are centered around fashion, sex and celebrity gossip. Yes, I want to escape reality, but I also want something thought provoking. Women want to read about important issues too and not just about what statement pieces are in season!

These magazines don’t belong in our society. We need more progressive, thought-provoking publications, because we as women are more than just our stereotypes.

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