Emotional wellbeing and leadership in the work environment

As an entrepreneur, you experience moments of stress and ride a roller-coaster of emotions every day. I am certain you can relate.

When all is well in your business, your overall demeanour is positive and upbeat. You become more driven, motivated, and eager to implement new ideas and strategies.

Just as in life, in your business, unforeseen circumstances occur, and things do not always turn out the way you planned.  Self-Doubt creeps in and very often haunts you. At times you may catch yourself thinking, “I am not good enough or smart enough to be successful.”

When things do not go as planned these are the times that you may be one step away from success. I encourage you to have a brainstorming session with colleagues and friends. Choose people you trust.  Be aware that you do not become so self-centred and protective of your ideas that you refuse to listen to the very people that carry your best interests at heart.  Be open to solid advice and always remember that you have never truly ‘arrived ‘in business.  You will always be sculpting and moulding your business. There is always something to learn from others.

On leadership:

 “You can never be a leader if you are not willing to serve people

Leadership is not a choice; it is a calling and not something you can learn. You can however learn to be better at it. You can learn to equip yourself with the necessary tools and become more focused on nurturing your emotional wellbeing. Which in turns gets carried over to others. When you realize it is you’re calling, know that you have been given this gift to share and teach others and help them grow.  This is the most powerful and rewarding realization.

On balance:

 Stay humble especially when you reach your Goals in business. Success is not guaranteed.  It is sometimes only a season. Be thankful for what you have and always give to others. Never put work before the people in your life.  Your time is more precious to your loved ones than money. Balance your work and relaxation.

Exercise and have fun outside your work environment. Live in the moment, smell the flowers and drink your morning coffee slowly. Find happiness within yourself and not in things or places. This will be your key to emotional wellbeing.

“I personally believe that inner strength is the key to success. How do you get inner strength? Well, it probably differs from person to person.  I draw my inner strength from the Holy Spirit dwelling within me. His guidance leads me in my day-to-day life. I subsequently draw strength from being positive and self-driven. I have learned that you cannot wait for someone else to take that first step for you, you need to do it yourself.”

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