Does your business stand out?

“Your business is dependent on its own stamp of authenticity.” By Kyle de Meuse

Fitting into a crowded market space, being like everyone else in that space, could basically be perceived as being invisible. Seth Godin, a famed American author, once said that fitting in with your competitors is the same as failing.

The game has changed – being remarkable is the new reliable. We as business owners are so focused on being competitive regarding pricing, that we tend to forget that this is just one drop in the bucket of what sets us apart. Being better-priced than your competitor is one thing, but consumers are looking for an all-rounded experience. Research states that, when asking consumers what makes them loyal to a specific store or company, pricing falls somewhere in the middle. Consumers are looking for quality service, attention to detail and helpfulness. In today’s day and age where everything is so financially driven, it is easy for business owners to fall into the “piggy bank” trap, seeing your customer as a piggy bank when approaching you – how quick and big you can make the sale. Do not forget customers are very aware of this strategy can quickly feel like they are just a number to you – BEWARE OF THIS! Customers want to feel validated, appreciated and respected when they walk through your doors – rightfully so; they are the people paying your bills at the end of the day. What does this have to do with “standing out from the crowd”? Well, that it exactly it – it is all about customer service. People are much more prone to return to a specific company or store where they feel seen and appreciated.

How can you increase this factor? If you are in a retail environment for instance, I suggest you get to know the name of your customers and familiarise yourself with the products of their interest. In doing so, when they return to your store, you greet them by their name and you can easily show them new products that they might be interested in (as you get to know the customer, this will become easier with time).

Don’t just work – network!

Have you ever heard the saying “People buy from people”?

This is now truer than ever. How visible are you? How known are you? Do customers know who they’re buying from? Who they’re supporting? You might think that you are advertising on every known platform – you’re in the local newspaper, you’re on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, you name it. These are all very valid advertising strategies, but how do they get to know the person…. who is the person?

Instead of solely putting in the work of advertising – it’s time to network! Join your local networking platform, whether it be a WhatsApp referral group, Facebook group or even better, an in-person networking meeting. Here you will immediately be able to familiarise yourself with local, like-minded business owners where you will be able to build a network of credible businesses and promote your business face-to-face.

A business card or flyer is something that can easily be discarded, but people rarely forget a face, especially if a positive impression has been made.

Visibility = credibility = profitability. The more visible you are, the more credibility you receive, the more connections you make and business you receive, hence resulting in a larger, profitable company.

You might think that you are completely unequipped for in-person marketing and relationship building the first time you try it but remember that you are not the only one attempting it. Keep one thing clear in your mind – you are in a group-setting or environment, with business owners working towards the same common goal – to grow their businesses.

When you make connections and give the other business owners referrals, they would immediately want to give you business in return – it is the gift that keeps on giving!

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